Beijing Hongzhou Learning Co., Ltd.


Horario del curso

Duración del curso
12-48 semanas
Fechas de inicio
Cada lunes
Clases a la semana
4 lessons per week (cada lección dura 45 minutos)
Días de clases
lunes - domingo

Horario de curso

Sesión de la mañana
09:00 - 12:00
Sesión de la tarde
14:00 - 17:00

Horario de clases está sujeto a cambio dependiendo de la disponibilidad y temporada.

Descripción del curso

CATTI Chinese-English Interpretation Training Program
-Sharing the economic prosperity and realizing the Chinese dream of coming to China for employment

Program Introduction:

China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters -- CATTI is a national-level vocational qualification examination commissioned by the National Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and administered and managed by the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration.

Established in 1965, CIPG Training Center is a national-level cadre education and training institution directly under the China Foreign Languages Bureau.It bears the important responsibility of the international translation talent training and the continuing education of professional and technical talents in the translation industry and the external publicity industry. It specializes in high-end applied education and cross-language intercultural comprehensive services in three areas of translation, external propaganda and foreign language. Since 2012, it has taken on the important task of building a high-end applied translation talent training base in the country, and has been hailed as the highest hall of the post-institutional education of the translation profession.

In 2017,the CATTI program was officially open to foreign candidates, and it was implemented by CIPG Training Center and UIBE- the only officially designated training unit in China. This undoubtedly provides a rare opportunity for foreigners to work in China. Following the successful training for foreign candidates in 2017 and 2018, the 2019 CATTI Foreign Student Interpretation Training Course has been opened in Beijing on April 29th.

Program Training Objectives:

This training is aimed at helping students to obtain a third-level certificate / to help extremely outstanding students to obtain a second-level certificate.

The difficulty of the third-level examination is equivalent to the graduation of a foreign language major with one year practical oral and written translation experience; the difficulty of the second-level examination is equivalent to that of a foreign language major with 3-5 year translation practice experience;

Program Strength:

1.Candidates who join CATTI program can obtain a six-month to one-year internship visa, significantly improve their Chinese and gain valuable working experience in China;

2.The experience of participating in the CATTI program can be a highlight of the resume and contribute to future career development.

3. Foreigners who have obtained CATTI certificates will have the opportunity to apply for the “Translation Professional” position and obtain a work visa and entrepreneurial visa in China, and enjoy high salary.

4. International students who have obtained CATTI Level 3 or Level 2 certificates, regardless of nationality, have the opportunity to go directly to kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school or university as a foreign teacher, apply for a work permit, and obtain a foreign expert certificate.

5. International students who have obtained a CATTI certificate of Level 1 or a senior translator can enjoy the qualification of a foreign expert at the national level, and can obtain a long-term work visa in China and the possibility to apply for permanent residence.

Program Details:

Admission Time: Enrollment throughout the year

Start Time: Once a month, the date will be announced

Training Venue: University of International Business and Economics

Study Hours: 32 class hours for certificate training and 32 class hours as auditor

Class Schedule: Twice a week, half a day each time, can be arranged on weekends

Course Features: Small class, the training effect is guaranteed

Instructor: Expert in the translation industry

Enrollment targets: expatriates studying and working in China and expatriates interested in studying or working in China

Requirements for participants:

1. Speak fluent English and Chinese;

2.There are no illegal or disciplinary records;

3. Submit a letter of recommendation from one or two school teachers or employers;

4. No contagious diseases;

5. Age between 18 to 45 years old

Program application materials:

1. A resume in both Chinese and English (with a two-inch personal color photo);

2. A copy of the highest academic certificate and transcript;

3. A copy of first page of the passport, applicants in China are required to submit a copy of the visa page too;

4. A copy of the foreign physical examination checklist. Must be signed and stamped by the doctor. Medical check needs to be redone in China; of which the results will be final;

5. Non-criminal record;

6. Study plan;

7. One to two recommendation letters;

8. Passport-like photo;

Remarks: In the course of training review, If any material is found to be fraudulent, concealing the health condition, concealing the motives for coming to China, and having serious violations of the law, discipline or irregularities, once it is discovered, the program fees will not be refunded, and the trainees will have to bear other consequences such as repatriation.


Program Fee: 22980RMB

Including: interview fees, tuition fees, visa fees, pick-up after coming to China, financial services, accommodation arrangements, internship unit research fees, employment guidance.

Excluding:Off campus visa mark fee: 700RMB; Insurance fee: 800RMB; Medical examination and internship agreement fee: 400RMB; Air ticket and accommodation fee.


1. Accommodation fee in Beijing is around 3000-5000RMB per month.

2. The participants who have not passed the CATTI training corresponding examination level can participate again with tuition fee exemption.

Registration process (only for trainees participating in CATTI Program):

1. Fill in the registration form;

2. Confirm the English and Chinese proficiency via interview;

3. Submit all requested application documents;

4. Confirm the qualification to apply;

5. Pay the program fee;

6. Provide university admission letter and JW202;

7. Apply for visa;

8. Participate in the training in Beijing;

Registration process (for students who need an X1 visa and have an internship requirement)

1. Fill in the registration form;

2. Confirm the English and Chinese proficiency via interview;

3. Submit all requested application documents;

4. Confirm the qualification to apply;

5. Pay the program fee;

6. Get internship and employment opportunities;

7. Provide university admission letter and JW202;

8. Apply for visa;

9. Participate in the training in Beijing;


Email: [email protected]

Nivel del curso

Tomará un examen de competencia el primer día para determinar su nivel.

Tasa de la clase

Medio 15 estudiantes
Máximo 20 estudiantes

Edad de estudiante

Rango de edades 18 - 40 años
Medio 26 años
(27 en el verano)


Un certificado de finalización se presenta al final del curso.
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Beijing Hongzhou Learning Co., Ltd. ofrece los siguientes tipos de alojamiento:

Residencia de estudiantes - Habitación compartida para 3 personas - Sin comidas

No aplica

Student residence (off-campus) - 3-person shared room - No meals - 3 students must book together

Rango de edades: 18 - 40 años
Emplazamiento: Outside the city center of Pekín
Tipo de alojamiento: Residencia de estudiantes (fuera del campus)
Tipo de habitación: Habitación compartida para 3 personas
Régimen de comidas: Sin comidas
Instalaciones : Baño privado, lavandería, aire acondicionado, y calefacción
Distancia a la escuela: 30 - 80 minutos en subterráneo
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: domingo, después de las 02:00
Día de salida: sábado, antes de las 12:00
Restriccion: 3 estudiantes deben registrarse juntos
No aplica

Residencia de estudiantes - Habitación compartida para 3 personas - Sin comidas

54 €

Student residence (on-campus) - 3-person shared room - No meals - 3 students must book together

Rango de edades: 18 - 40 años
Emplazamiento: In the city center of Pekín
Tipo de alojamiento: Residencia de estudiantes (en el campus)
Tipo de habitación: Habitación compartida para 3 personas
Régimen de comidas: Sin comidas
Instalaciones : Lavandería, aire acondicionado, calefacción, y supervisión 24/7
Distancia a la escuela: 10 minutos
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: domingo, después de las 09:00
Día de salida: sábado, antes de las 02:00
Restriccion: 3 estudiantes deben registrarse juntos
54 €

Apoyo para visas

Language International no puede realizar el proceso de aplicación de visas en nombre de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, podemos proporcionarle toda la documentación necesaria que va a necesitar como parte de su aplicación.

Mandarán su carta de aceptación a su domicilio por correo estándar sin cobro.

Vuelos y transporte al aeropuerto

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Pekín based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Seguro de viaje

Estudia en el extranjero sin preocupaciones con la cobertura del seguro de salud y de efectos personales de Language International. Cuando reservas un curso con nosotros, puedes optar por comprar un plan de seguro amplio que cubra no sólo tus costos de atención de la salud, ¡sino también la pérdida de tus pertenencias personales. Necesita reservar su seguro de antemano.

Aprenda más sobre nuestro plan de seguro de salud y de viaje »

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