Cambridge CAE Intensive Exam Preparation (10 weeks)

EC Language Schools: Brighton


Descripción del curso

Los exámenes de Cambridge son reconocidos por las empresas, universidades y colegios de todo el mundo y los resultados son válidos para toda la vida. Nos aseguraremos de que estés bien preparado/a para que realices el examen con un resultado exitoso.

CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) Es lo que necesitas si puedes utilizar el inglés para la mayoría de los propósitos profesionales y académicos.

Motivos para elegir este curso
Quieres ir a una universidad de habla inglesa.
Quieres trabajar en un entorno internacional
Quieres conseguir una ventaja competitiva en tu carrera profesional
Quieres un certificado internacional que demuestre tu nivel de inglés
Quieres mejorar tus oportunidades con vistas a tu futuro laboral

1 clase 45 minutos
Edad mínima 16
Lecciones a la semana 20/30 lecciones
Número de alumnos Máximo 15

Temas de los cursos

Escucha, hablando, pronunciación, lectura, escritura, vocabulario y gramática

Horario del curso

Duración del curso
10 semanas
Fechas de inicio
23 sep 2024
Clases a la semana
30 lessons per week (cada lección dura 45 minutos)
Días de clases
lunes - viernes
Días festivos
25 dic 2024 y 26 dic 2024

EC Brighton no ofrece clases durante los días festivos antedichos. La escuela no da reembolso para estos días perdidos, pues cuídese cuando elige sus fechas de viaje.

Horario de clases está sujeto a cambio dependiendo de la disponibilidad y temporada.

Nivel del curso

Intermedio alto
Tomará un examen de competencia el primer día para determinar su nivel. También se puede hacer este examen antes que llegue a Brighton

Tasa de la clase

Medio 12 estudiantes
Máximo 15 estudiantes

Edad de estudiante

Rango de edades 16 años y mayores
Medio 24 años
(20 en el verano)


Un certificado de finalización se presenta al final del curso.
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  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 1/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 2/83
  • Classes at EC Language Schools: Brighton 3/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 4/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 5/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 6/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 7/83
  • Estudiantes de EC Language Schools: Brighton 8/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 9/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 10/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 11/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 12/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 13/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 14/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 15/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 16/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 17/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 18/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 19/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 20/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 21/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 22/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 23/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 24/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 25/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 26/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 27/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 28/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 29/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 30/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 31/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 32/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 33/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 34/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 35/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 36/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 37/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 38/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 39/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 40/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 41/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 42/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 43/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 44/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 45/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 46/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 47/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 48/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 49/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 50/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 51/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 52/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 53/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 54/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 55/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 56/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 57/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 58/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 59/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 60/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 61/83
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por EC Language Schools: Brighton 62/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 63/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 64/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 65/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 66/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 67/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 68/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 69/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 70/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 71/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 72/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 73/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 74/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 75/83
  • Residencia de estudiantes ofrecida por EC Language Schools: Brighton 76/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 77/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 78/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 79/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 80/83
  • EC Language Schools: Brighton 81/83
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80% de los estudiantes lo recomiendan

basado en 5 opiniónes
5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrella
Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales

"Impressive experience in a beautiful city"

Samuel Yerly, estudiante de Suiza

Brighton and EC School are great locations to improve your English skills and to meet a lot of people native of different countries and cultures.

The teachers are very sympathetic and we have some great moments. All the staff are pleasant as well.

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Mi puntuación para este escuela

Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales
Duración del estudio
3 semanas
Fecha de estudio
27 Jul 2015 - 21 Aug 2015
¿Le recomendarías este escuela a un amigo?
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.


CELIA VELASCO, estudiante de España


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Mi puntuación para este escuela

Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales
Duración del estudio
4 semanas
Fecha de estudio
4 Jul 2011 - 29 Jul 2011
50 - 64
¿Le recomendarías este escuela a un amigo?
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.

"3 weeks in England"

Sarah Cadotsch, estudiante de Suiza

I went to Brighton for 3 weeks. It was very nice. I met a lot of new friends from all over the world. I learned a lot about a new country and other cultures. My English is also much better than before. :) It's just my 3th year learning English and I can speak and read and write so much. The classes were very funny and I met some other people from my country, too. The teachers were very friendly and they explained everything exactly so that the whole class understood it. The locations were ok. The PUB was a meeting-point for the students. Most of the activities were good. I liked to go to the cinema and to watch some films in English (Harry Potter & Cars 3). The food at the school was sometimes not so good but it was ok. The host family, where I lived was very far from school. That was sometimes a little problem. The family was very nice and we had a lot of fun together. So I really liked the trip to England, Brighton. I also liked when we went one Saturday to London, which was amazing.

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Mi puntuación para este escuela

Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales
Duración del estudio
3 semanas
Fecha de estudio
17 Jul 2011 - 4 Aug 2011
25 - 34
¿Le recomendarías este escuela a un amigo?
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.

"This magic trip"

Anna Kryukova, estudiante de Rusia

It was my third time in England that's why I knew what to expect from the trip. I liked the place where the school was situated, I mean the town, Brighton. What for disadvantages, I can name the morning way from residence to the school building. It took 15 mins by bus. After two weeks in residence I moved to a host family. That was a real experience for me. I suppose the time I have spent with them helped me to improve my speaking and listening abilities. By the way, I still keep in touch with my host family. As for activities, I would say that the list of them is too short. I would add some more excursions. Apart from all the disadvantages of the programme I gave been to, I made lots of friend and enjoyed the time.

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Mi puntuación para este escuela

Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales
Duración del estudio
2 semanas
Fecha de estudio
17 Aug 2009 - 28 Aug 2009
25 - 34
¿Le recomendarías este escuela a un amigo?
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.


Anna Kryukova, estudiante de Rusia

I want to thank you very much for organising such an educational and cheerful trip at the same time. I liked the location of the school (just next to central park), the host family, my group, of course. The way of studying in KAPLAN aspect includes having fun and working on grammar. I think that it is because I had vacation english program but I liked it. Anyway I would like to come back again!

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Mi puntuación para este escuela

Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales
Duración del estudio
2 semanas
Fecha de estudio
17 Aug 2009 - 28 Aug 2009
25 - 34
¿Le recomendarías este escuela a un amigo?
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.


EC Brighton ofrece los siguientes tipos de alojamiento:

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Sin comidas

248 €

Homestay - Single room, Self catering

Rango de edades: 16 años y mayores
Emplazamiento: Outside the city center of Brighton
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Sin comidas
Distancia a la escuela: 30 - 45 minutos en autobús
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: sábado, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
248 €
Homestaying is the perfect way to experience a home away from home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will benefit from a unique cultural experience. In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside of the classroom.

Brighton homestay consists of mixed gender twin and single room accommodation. If you choose twin room accommodation. then expect to be placed with a student of a different nationality but you can also choose to share with a friend. Each room will provide you with storage space for clothes, a chair and desk (if not in the bedroom, you will be able to use a designated area for studying) as well as good lighting, mirror, waste paper bin. Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family and they will also offer you one clothes wash per week. Anything extra is at the discretion of the host family. Drying and ironing facilities will also be made available to you.

Whilst staying in a host family you will have access to communal rooms such as the lounge, dining area and kitchen. Most students will not be able to use the cooking facilities and each family will advise the student on what a student has access to in the kitchen. Bathrooms will be shared with the host family.

You can choose between half board and bed and breakfast. If you choose half board, then you can expect to have breakfast and evening meals with the host family from Monday to Sunday. Breakfast can vary from one homestay to another and is usually provided on a self-service basis and will include cereals, toast, coffee and tea. Evening meals for most of the time will be with the host family and students will eat what the family eats.

If you request bed and breakfast, your host family will provide breakfast only and you will at most be able to use the kettle and microwave in the kitchen and should not expect to be able to use the cooking facilities.

Some of you may have allergies to food or prefer a vegetarian diet, or in some cases simply not like a particular food. It is important that this information is shared and made available on the booking form, so that the best host family match can be found for you.

Casa de familia - Habitación compartida para 2 personas - Desayuno y cena

268 €

Homestay - Twin room, half board

Rango de edades: 18 años y mayores
Emplazamiento: Outside the city center of Brighton
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación compartida para 2 personas
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno y cena (14 comidas por semana)
Distancia a la escuela: 30 - 45 minutos en autobús
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: sábado, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
Restriccion: 2 estudiantes deben registrarse juntos
268 €
Homestaying is the perfect way to experience a home away from home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will benefit from a unique cultural experience. In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside of the classroom.

Brighton homestay consists of mixed gender twin and single room accommodation. If you choose twin room accommodation. then expect to be placed with a student of a different nationality but you can also choose to share with a friend. Each room will provide you with storage space for clothes, a chair and desk (if not in the bedroom, you will be able to use a designated area for studying) as well as good lighting, mirror, waste paper bin. Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family and they will also offer you one clothes wash per week. Anything extra is at the discretion of the host family. Drying and ironing facilities will also be made available to you.

Whilst staying in a host family you will have access to communal rooms such as the lounge, dining area and kitchen. Most students will not be able to use the cooking facilities and each family will advise the student on what a student has access to in the kitchen. Bathrooms will be shared with the host family.

You can choose between half board and bed and breakfast. If you choose half board, then you can expect to have breakfast and evening meals with the host family from Monday to Sunday. Breakfast can vary from one homestay to another and is usually provided on a self-service basis and will include cereals, toast, coffee and tea. Evening meals for most of the time will be with the host family and students will eat what the family eats.

If you request bed and breakfast, your host family will provide breakfast only and you will at most be able to use the kettle and microwave in the kitchen and should not expect to be able to use the cooking facilities.

Some of you may have allergies to food or prefer a vegetarian diet, or in some cases simply not like a particular food. It is important that this information is shared and made available on the booking form, so that the best host family match can be found for you.

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Desayuno

268 €

Homestay - Single room, Bed & breakfast

Rango de edades: 16 años y mayores
Emplazamiento: Outside the city center of Brighton
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno (7 comidas por semana)
Distancia a la escuela: 30 - 45 minutos en autobús
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: sábado, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
268 €
Homestaying is the perfect way to experience a home away from home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will benefit from a unique cultural experience. In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside of the classroom.

Brighton homestay consists of mixed gender twin and single room accommodation. If you choose twin room accommodation. then expect to be placed with a student of a different nationality but you can also choose to share with a friend. Each room will provide you with storage space for clothes, a chair and desk (if not in the bedroom, you will be able to use a designated area for studying) as well as good lighting, mirror, waste paper bin. Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family and they will also offer you one clothes wash per week. Anything extra is at the discretion of the host family. Drying and ironing facilities will also be made available to you.

Whilst staying in a host family you will have access to communal rooms such as the lounge, dining area and kitchen. Most students will not be able to use the cooking facilities and each family will advise the student on what a student has access to in the kitchen. Bathrooms will be shared with the host family.

You can choose between half board and bed and breakfast. If you choose half board, then you can expect to have breakfast and evening meals with the host family from Monday to Sunday. Breakfast can vary from one homestay to another and is usually provided on a self-service basis and will include cereals, toast, coffee and tea. Evening meals for most of the time will be with the host family and students will eat what the family eats.

If you request bed and breakfast, your host family will provide breakfast only and you will at most be able to use the kettle and microwave in the kitchen and should not expect to be able to use the cooking facilities.

Some of you may have allergies to food or prefer a vegetarian diet, or in some cases simply not like a particular food. It is important that this information is shared and made available on the booking form, so that the best host family match can be found for you.

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Desayuno y cena

306 €

Homestay - Single room, half board

Rango de edades: 16 años y mayores
Emplazamiento: Outside the city center of Brighton
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno y cena (14 comidas por semana)
Distancia a la escuela: 30 - 45 minutos en autobús
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: sábado, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
306 €
Homestaying is the perfect way to experience a home away from home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will benefit from a unique cultural experience. In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside of the classroom.

Brighton homestay consists of mixed gender twin and single room accommodation. If you choose twin room accommodation. then expect to be placed with a student of a different nationality but you can also choose to share with a friend. Each room will provide you with storage space for clothes, a chair and desk (if not in the bedroom, you will be able to use a designated area for studying) as well as good lighting, mirror, waste paper bin. Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family and they will also offer you one clothes wash per week. Anything extra is at the discretion of the host family. Drying and ironing facilities will also be made available to you.

Whilst staying in a host family you will have access to communal rooms such as the lounge, dining area and kitchen. Most students will not be able to use the cooking facilities and each family will advise the student on what a student has access to in the kitchen. Bathrooms will be shared with the host family.

You can choose between half board and bed and breakfast. If you choose half board, then you can expect to have breakfast and evening meals with the host family from Monday to Sunday. Breakfast can vary from one homestay to another and is usually provided on a self-service basis and will include cereals, toast, coffee and tea. Evening meals for most of the time will be with the host family and students will eat what the family eats.

If you request bed and breakfast, your host family will provide breakfast only and you will at most be able to use the kettle and microwave in the kitchen and should not expect to be able to use the cooking facilities.

Some of you may have allergies to food or prefer a vegetarian diet, or in some cases simply not like a particular food. It is important that this information is shared and made available on the booking form, so that the best host family match can be found for you.

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Desayuno y cena

331 €

Homestay U18 - Single room, half board

Rango de edades: 16 - 17 años
Emplazamiento: Outside the city center of Brighton
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno y cena (14 comidas por semana)
Distancia a la escuela: 30 - 45 minutos en autobús
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: sábado, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
331 €
Homestaying is the perfect way to experience a home away from home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will benefit from a unique cultural experience. In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside of the classroom.

Brighton homestay consists of mixed gender twin and single room accommodation. If you choose twin room accommodation. then expect to be placed with a student of a different nationality but you can also choose to share with a friend. Each room will provide you with storage space for clothes, a chair and desk (if not in the bedroom, you will be able to use a designated area for studying) as well as good lighting, mirror, waste paper bin. Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family and they will also offer you one clothes wash per week. Anything extra is at the discretion of the host family. Drying and ironing facilities will also be made available to you.

Whilst staying in a host family you will have access to communal rooms such as the lounge, dining area and kitchen. Most students will not be able to use the cooking facilities and each family will advise the student on what a student has access to in the kitchen. Bathrooms will be shared with the host family.

You can choose between half board and bed and breakfast. If you choose half board, then you can expect to have breakfast and evening meals with the host family from Monday to Sunday. Breakfast can vary from one homestay to another and is usually provided on a self-service basis and will include cereals, toast, coffee and tea. Evening meals for most of the time will be with the host family and students will eat what the family eats.

If you request bed and breakfast, your host family will provide breakfast only and you will at most be able to use the kettle and microwave in the kitchen and should not expect to be able to use the cooking facilities.

Some of you may have allergies to food or prefer a vegetarian diet, or in some cases simply not like a particular food. It is important that this information is shared and made available on the booking form, so that the best host family match can be found for you.

Residencia de estudiantes - Habitación individual - Sin comidas

471 €

Mitre House - Single room, ensuite bathroom, self catering

Rango de edades: 18 años y mayores
Dirección: 150 Western Road, Brighton BN1 2DA, UK
Emplazamiento: Mitre House
Tipo de alojamiento: Residencia de estudiantes
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Sin comidas
Distancia a la escuela: 15 minutos en caminata
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: sábado, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
471 €
Mitre House is a mixed gender residence offering single occupancy of double rooms. All bedrooms have en-suite showering/toilet facilities. Wi-fi is available throughout the building. Rooms share communal kitchen/TV lounges. There is also an exclusive café in the building serving snacks and hot/cold drinks from 08:00 to 20:00.

A Laundry room with coin-operated washing machines and dryers is available on the ground floor with approximate costs of £2.50 for a wash and £1.50 for a dry.

Apoyo para visas

Language International no puede realizar el proceso de aplicación de visas en nombre de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, podemos proporcionarle toda la documentación necesaria que va a necesitar como parte de su aplicación.

Los ciudadanos de Unión Europea no necesitan un visado para estudiar inglés en Reino Unido. Si no es ciudadano de la Unión Europea, se necesita una visa para poder vivir y estudiar en Reino Unido. Si necesita una visa y desea estudiar en Reino Unido durante más de 11 meses, recibirá un número de referencia llamado Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) que necesitará enviar a la embajada del Reino Unido junto con su solicitud de General Student Visa. Es importante mencionar que la legislación del Reino Unido afirma que un CAS sólo podrán expedirse a los estudiantes que desea estudiar en Reino Unido por más de 11 meses.

Si necesita una visa y desea estudiar en Reino Unido durante 11 meses o menos, debe solicitar una visa de turista especial llamado Student Visitor Visa. Como un Student Visitor, no se puede trabajar mientras estudias en Reino Unido legalmente. Si desea estudiar en Reino Unido durante 11 meses o menos, recibirá una carta de aceptación que necesitará enviar a la embajada del Reino Unido junto con su solicitud de Student Visitor Visa. Mandarán su carta de aceptación a su domicilio por correo normal gratuitamente. Si quiere recebir sus documentos por correo express, hay una tasa extra de £ 75.

Aprenda más sobre cómo obtener una visa del Reino Unido »

Vuelos y transporte al aeropuerto

El aeropuerto internacional más cercano de la escuela es Gatwick (LGW).

Lo pueden recoger del aeropuerto. No más dénos los detalles del vuelo y la fecha de su llegada. El precio del translado del aeropuerto de Gatwick a su alojamiento es £ 90. Necesita reservar su translado de antemano.

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Brighton based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Seguro de viaje

Estudia en el extranjero sin preocupaciones con la cobertura del seguro de salud y de efectos personales de Language International. Cuando reservas un curso con nosotros, puedes optar por comprar un plan de seguro amplio que cubra no sólo tus costos de atención de la salud, ¡sino también la pérdida de tus pertenencias personales. Necesita reservar su seguro de antemano.

Aprenda más sobre nuestro plan de seguro de salud y de viaje »

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Preguntas y respuestas

¿Preguntas? Recibe respuestas de nuestros consejeros estudiantiles, del personal de la escuela EC Language Schools: Brighton y de alumnos anteriores.

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